Some Slimming Factor G1 diet pills
Some Slimming Factor G1 diet pills on the market contain laxatives and diuretics. These merely force a person's body to eliminate vital body fluids. Specifically, a laxative stimulates a dieter's large bowel to empty, but only after food and calories have been absorbed via the small intestines. So fluids are lost in the process and thus the body reacts by retaining water and consequentially, bloating occurs. This slimming factor Australia simply causes a person to feel they need to lose more weight. Basically, laxatives not only don't work, but are counterproductive.
Prolonged use of laxatives also cause cramps, bloating, bulimia, anorexia, severe abdominal pain, dehydration, gas, nausea, vomiting, electrolyte disturbances, and chronic constipation and when laxative use finally ceases, a person can experience withdrawal symptoms. Laxatives should only be used to correct irregular bowel movement; otherwise they simply cause problems.