slim xtreme blue

08/06/2014 19:40

One of the most popular prescription weight losses ever is Phentermine it has been sold under other names such as rapidly slimming capsule, and Fastin. Phentermine was also the phen in the now banned diet pill phen-fen which was so dangerous that it has been pulled from distribution. Now this diet pill is classified in the same narcotic category as amphetamines by the DEA, it is a central nervous system stimulant that can cause numerous side effects. This is a sample of what most prescription weight loss drugs are stimulants that increase metabolism by using speed like effects. Most prescription diet pills can only be used for a short amount of time because of the risk of addiction, your body adapts to the pills and they no longer work, and because of the many harmful health issues that they can cause.

Knowing that all the prescription slim xtreme blue do is burn fat and increase metabolism, there are many over the counter weight loss pills that can do the same thing but in a much safer manner. There are natural supplements that have become popular as well as some diet pills with higher grades of ingredients. Do your own research, ask your doctor, but most of all if you purchase anything online please look into the company/website to be sure they are legit. If you are buying prescription diet pills online you are more than likely going to be ripped off.