September you will pull Nuomeizi all together

06/04/2015 19:28

We call it yoyo-ing. Usually it's a decent 10-20 pounds per year. It tends to begin during the transition between spring and summer when everyone is on a diet, anticipating bathing suit season. By the end of the summer, when you are just a few pounds up-nothing crazy-you tell yourself that come September you will pull Nuomeizi all together and get back on track. The problem is that before you know it, Halloween turns into Thanksgiving and the festive, food-oriented holiday season is upon you. Come the first of the year, you are back to square one, if not worse, and nervously counting the months you have left to get ready for summer. Just one big yoyo!

Why does it happen? First of all, many of us don't think of ourselves as yoyos, but we are. You see, the yoyo effect happens because you are dieting and taking care of yourself, but only to lose a few pounds. The problem with most weight loss mzt plans is that eventually you have to stop because they don't provide all of the nutrients your body needs over the long haul. In addition, you don't really know how to eat correctly because you never learned what healthy eating looks like. Admit it, you are pretty much off your game the minute a party or a barbecue comes along! The big mistake is thinking that you can handle deviations from your normal day; but you can't if haven't put in the effort to understand what exactly is going on in your head.