Lida or Hoodia Gordonii as it is properly known

29/07/2015 14:22

Lida or Hoodia Gordonii as it is properly known, is a cactus-like plant found exclusively in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. The San Bushmen ate this plant as both a food source and to help suppress their hunger while on long hunting journeys in the very sparsely vegetated desert. More recently, the weight loss and diet benefits of Hoodia were discovered and it has become a very popular weight loss supplement.

How does Hoodia work? Is it safe? Are there any adverse side effects?

The active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii is known as P57 and it works, in simple terms, by tricking the brain. Slimming Factor has a chemical effect on the brain quite similar to glucose which is produced when food is ingested. One recent study showed that a person taking Hoodia before meals has been shown to average approximately 1,000 fewer calories consumed per day than those taking a placebo.