How do you take Japan Lingzhi 2 day diet granules?

14/06/2015 17:42

A common question for those keen to try out the extraordinary benefits of bee pollen is:

How do you take Japan Lingzhi 2 day diet granules?

Simply put the answer is; in a very difficult, time-wasting, roundabout manner!

Ideally, you should just avoid the use of bee pollen granules altogether. They are not the best form of pollen for absorption, and you often get quite a mediocre nutrition level from them.

However, before I show you what a better option than bee pollen granules is, let's take a look at why they are so difficult to use.

One of the things you will first notice with pollen granules is that they are hard, and look more like a handful of gritty dirt as opposed to something that should be beneficial for your health.

There are three ways in which you can consume meizitang advanced plus granules, you eat them straight, mix them into food or blend them into a smoothie.