Good quality original trim-fast pills contain up to 495mg
A lot of experiments have been conducted to study the effects of trim-fast slimming softgel on appetite and weight control. Hoodia gordonii can reduce your food intake by half within a few days. Not just this, when taken in the right amount, it can reduce your take by up to 2000 calories a day. You can well imagine how fast you would be able to lose weight if your caloric consumption is reduced by 2000 calories a day.
Not just this, hoodia can also help burn more body fat. This is because when you limit your food intake, your body begins burning stored fat in order to meet its energy demands resulting in fat loss.
Though hoodia is a great appetite suppressor, there are few hoodia diet pills that are effective and contain enough of hoodia powder to ensure results.
Good quality original trim-fast pills contain up to 495mg of pure and unaltered hoodia gordonii powder in each pills. It is a far cry from most other pills that contain about 460mg of hoodia. Not just this, good quality pills also contain Bioperine to ensure faster results. Such pills can produce up to 30% faster effects.