chinese slimming pills and caffeine
chinese slimming pills and caffeine
Most over-the-counter diet pills contain a combination of medications that have various benefits and harms. Usually they include phenylpropanolamine and caffeine, which suppress appetite. Phenlpropanolamine stimulates the central nervous system and has many effects on the body, in that it controls appetite. This is why it's a key ingredient in most diet pills. Caffeine acts in a similar way and also causes a person to be alert and awake.
There is proof that herbal slimming capsule diet pills can effectively reduce a person's weight, but many health experts question the relevance of this. Recently, there have been findings that show phenylpropanolamine to cause serious side effects such as high blood pressure, nausea, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, irritability and even hallucinations. Similarly, caffeine can affect a person's blood circulation and its effects on blood pressure are unpredictable. Obese individuals are especially in danger of hypertension - which is ironic, as the heavier a person is, the more likely he or she will be to take a diet pill.