At the slimming factor pills Institute
At the slimming factor pills Institute, the San Antonio liposuction surgery is one of its highly sought surgeries. Due to its popularity, a huge chunk of the liposuction procedure is highly understood. However, there are still a good number of misconceptions about this body-contouring procedure out there which often misleads men and women who are interested in going under the knife. One of these misconceptions include the idea of fat coming back after the procedure. New studies, however, refute this myth.
Better Understanding of Fat Distribution
In a study published in the Obesity journal, Dr. Richard Swanson and his team investigated the cases of 294 patients who had either liposuction alone or in conjunction with a tummy tuck from September 2003 to November 2006. “Fat cells neither return to treated areas nor get redistributed to untreated areas of the body after liposuction,” the study reveals.
Furthermore, Swanson explained, “Previous studies have evaluated small numbers of patients and used imprecise measuring techniques, limiting their power to reliably detect changes. Our study included a sufficient number of patients and used precise measurements, making the conclusions highly reliable. slimming factor Australia can be reassured that their improvements will last and they need not worry about putting weight back on disproportionately.”